Most People "Die" In Their 30's But Don't Get Buried Until Their 80's...
How everyday people are bringing their lives back and becoming everyday heroes
Introducing the Power Life Challenge:
Bring Your Life BACK To Life!
The VERY First and The VERY Most Important Thing is...
How to Discover what you truly want...
QUESTION: Do you know what you REALLY want?

Every single time I've asked this ridiculously simple question from stage, "What do you want?" I always get the same response.

Some watered down half hearted programmed responses as if their condescending mom who disapproves of their lifestyle choices has possessed their minds with they believe they SHOULD want.


Here comes the dump trunk of all the shit they don't want!

I mean I get it. I've been doing this work for 30 years. No one has ever truly asked or even given one spec of a shit about what YOU actually want.

It's all just kind of force fed into you leaving you with this gross feeling that life is 100% letting you down!

96% of us wander around aimlessly like kids lost in a busy mall at Christmas time, secretly scared that life is going to pass us by and we're never going to actually "get there".

It's okay. It's not your fault or anyone else's fault!

The world is filled with asshole control freaks that are too threatened by your light to actually help you learn to make that shit shine!


When you think about this question, "What do you want?", what comes up?

Is is something that truly touches your soul? And believe me... You'll 100% know when that happens in the PLC (PowerLife Challenge).

Don't tell me all the things you DON'T want.

If you don't know what you want, then is it any wonder you don't have what you want?

Is it any wonder that what you thought you wanted turned out to not be as cool as you thought?

Let's fix your focus and get you powerful clarity, in 7 days or less.
Here's What PLC Will Do For You...

You might expect a list of features and benefits. I don't play that game, neither should you.

This whole deal is about ONE SINGLE RESULT...

RESULT = Extreme clarity about what you actually want.

That clarity changes everything...

  • Start saying NO with confidence and YES with courage to complete the mission.
  • Stop wasting money on "investing in yourself" only to realize it's not a good fit and you'll never become someone else...
  • Refuse to waste your life's breath on things that don't bring more life to your life.
  • Build things that matter quickly, without losing what matters most...

Man, you know what?

If I have to outline exactly what you'll get from finally having clarity about what you want, then the timing probably isn't right.

You should keep going in circles like you've always been (but don't judge yourself or beat yourself up for it, you'll be ready when you're ready).

But, if you're dizzy and done with that circle jerk then jump in with us.

You will come out the other end a different person.

If that's scary, don't start with me.

    I'm looking for people who want to become "that person" that just seems to have some weird special super power, that calls their shots like Babe Ruth or Michael Jordan or Rosa Parks!

    I've been doing this for more than 30 years, there's no better first step to take.

    Living your best life requires knowing what your best life is. Right?

    You'll walk out of here in 7 days clearer than you've ever been.

    I'm not the most polished guy on earth. I'm actually a little rough around the edges and raw. Most people call that "real". I've just been doing this for 30+ years and have seen first hand how things work.

    So don't blame me for making it too simple.

    We're all tired over over complicated non-sense. We ALL have hype fatigue! It's gross and no one is allowed to play that game in my ecosystem.

    It all boils down to this simple statement...

    "Don't  _________ because they want it, ______ because YOU want it!"

    ❌ Don't choose a minivan because they like minivans, choose a minivan because you like minivans!

    ❌ Don't do work in IT security because they like it, work in IT security because you like it.

    ❌ Don't go to musicals and opera shows because they like them, go to music and opera shows because you like them.

    ❌ Don't eat, cook, wear, listen to, sing, draw, dance etc because they like it, do all the things in life because YOU like it!

    Your energy will become ultra attractive to every other person who also likes it.

    Your life will fill up with everything you like, and loads of people that support what you like with high, encouraging, enthusiastic energy.

    And it happens FAST!

    It truly is as simple as that.

    Here's What You Get...

    You get one email per day for 7 days. Simple.

    Now, that's not all you get but why would I want to spoil the ride and tell you all the surprises? The rest is all a "choose your own adventure" type thing.

    I'll ask you to do a few things that'll take 5-10 minutes per day.

    That's like what... an hour of actual work over 7 days?

    If you can't handle that or you don't know how to open your email, or someone else opens your email for you... not gonna work out.

    Here's What to Do Next...

    We're not here to sell you anything right now.

    This experience changed my life and the lives of hundreds of thousands of people over the last 30 years. I want you to have that same experience and I don't want "finances" to be a part of the equation today.

    So... here's what this means for you...

    Use the form below to submit a DEPOSIT.

    I'll hold that deposit until you finish the challenge in 7 days.

    Then it becomes refundable and you can literally ask for it back or tell me what you want me to do with it.

    That's how bad I want you to have this experience.

    The offer is this: Commit, do the work, get the win and results, and EARN your deposit status top be refundable!

    You kind of can't lose here.

    Yeah, I know this is a different offer than what you're used to.

    Nothing is normal about this experience you're about to start.

    But you don't want more normal in your life either now do ya?

    Get started below.

    Get Started Immediately...
    Here’s How to Have Your Fun and Make it Free
    The PLC is 100% FREE When You Finish

    The challenge starts immediately. It happens online, one day at a time, from any device that can access your email inbox… all from the comfort of your own life.

    • Submit your $49 deposit below.
    • Open an email every day for 7-days and do a couple things.
    • Finally get clear on what you want and the tools you need to get it, even if you have no idea where to start.
    • Your $49 deposit becomes refundable after having all the life-changing fun.
    • If you chose not to make it through, your deposit is forfeited and used to support charitable causes. (We want something FOR you, not FROM you!)

    Get started now with a $49 deposit.

    I’ll hold it for you until you finish in 7 days.

    Contact Details
    Billing Details
    Submit Deposit
    Here’s How to Have Your Fun and Make it Free
    The PLC is 100% FREE When You Finish

    The challenge starts immediately. It happens online, one day at a time, from any device that can access your email inbox… all from the comfort of your own life.

    • Submit your $49 deposit below.
    • Open an email every day for 7-days and do a couple things.
    • Finally get clear on what you want and the tools you need to get it, even if you have no idea where to start.
    • Your $49 deposit becomes refundable after having all the life-changing fun.
    • If you chose not to make it through, your deposit is forfeited and used to support charitable causes. (We want something FOR you, not FROM you!)

    Get started now with a $49 deposit.

    I’ll hold it for you until you finish in 7 days.

    Contact Details
    Billing Details
    Submit Deposit
    Got questions?
    So where do you want to go from here ?

    You gonna travel down the same road you been on?


    You gonna check yourself to see if that's the road you want to be on?

    If it's NOT, wouldn't that be important to know?

    You only have one life.

    Live it well. Live it fully.

    See you on the inside.


    P.S. I love you no matter where we go from here.

    Q and A

    When does it start? Starts as soon as you submit your deposit. I'll send you the first email immediately, might take a few minutes for the email to find you, but then you'll have immediate access.

    Is there a money back guarantee? No, getting your money back is the offer. So, yes but no lol. All you have to do is FINISH the 7-day experience (meaning, you open all the emails and do a couple things) and your deposit becomes refundable. You may NOT get a refund before the finish line.

    I'm not quite ready to jump in, can I join later? Sure, you can join any time. I'm just wondering if you'll be MORE or LESS dizzy by then? Life has a way of doing that.

    Why don't you charge more? LOL I get asked this all the time. My personal consulting is expensive. But I've built this experience here in a way that takes less of my personal time so my motivation is to help as many people as I can.

    How much time is it going to take? You get out what you put in. I suppose the entire thing wouldn't take more than an hour if I were to sit down with you and do it together. BUT if we did it that way, and I just sent you the things to do, you wouldn't do it. This experience is different because it holds you accountable and ensures results. That said, you can half-ass it just like anything else in life. Up to you. I hope you give this the attention it deserves.

    What format is the training in? It's all email-based. I'll send you emails. There will be a few links to click on and some videos to watch (with audios and transcripts if you prefer that way).

    Any other questions, hit me up via email

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